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PPS Manufacturing: A Case Study On Partnership-led Expansion

Uncover the secrets behind PPS Manufacturing's success in the competitive nitrile-glove market and how strategic partnerships fueled their breakthrough in the Nordics.

PPS Manufacturing is a business that specializes in the production of nitrile gloves. 

Established in Bulgaria as a response to the pandemic, PPS was born with the mission to safeguard people’s health and the planet by providing durable and eco-friendly safety gloves wholly manufactured in Europe. 

At the heart of PPS Manufacturing are dedicated professionals from the medical industry who, led by PPS’ co-founders Denis Mollov and Dimitar Stamov, have succeeded in establishing one of the first nitrile-glove factories in the European Union.

That being said, their journey was far from easy as the global nitrile-glove industry is predominantly controlled by the Asian market. The majority of MBRs (Master Batch Records) and production supplements come from Asian countries, which gives them a competitive edge on pricing and – on the other hand – poses a significant hurdle for European enterprises. 

To counter the competition, Denis and Dimitar have to stay on top of their game consistently honing their strategy. A cornerstone of their approach is the commitment to forging dependable partnerships, working with other professionals they can fully trust to facilitate PPS’ access to new markets and a robust customer base. 

“For us, having partners is based on trust,” Denis says. “Not only business and profits.” 

It was through this strategic approach that PPS Manufacturing successfully breached into the Nordics.

This is the account of how they achieved it.

“Having partners is based on trust, not only business and profits.”

Denis Mollov, Co-founder at PPS Manufacturing

Breaching New Markets: The Power of Strategic Partnerships

In 2022, after evaluating PPS Manufacturing’s products, Droppe’s Partnerships Lead reached out to Denis to explore the possibilities of expanding their brand in the Nordics.

The conversation continued from there and eventually led to Denis and Dimitar adding PPS Manufacturing’s catalogue to Droppe’s marketplace. 

Since then, Droppe has assumed the role of listing and selling PPS’ products, managing all communications with the buyers from order to delivery. This collaboration has freed the PPS team from the need to directly engage their end-users for sales, allowing them to focus on fine-tuning their business strategy in a fiercely competitive landscape.

When asked to describe the partnership with Droppe, Denis is happy to report:

“The communication is fast, easy, and solid. By solid I mean that if we say we want something, Droppe makes it happen.” 

Additionally, Denis highlights that Droppe has fully earned the level of trust he seeks in his partners. As an example, he recounts when potential clients, having found PPS on Droppe’s marketplace, reached out to PPS directly. Denis redirected them to Droppe, confident they would receive a top-notch service.

“Business is a craft where you must be able to build reliable partnerships,” Denis says. “This is the philosophy we adhere to at PPS.”

Nevertheless, ensuring that potential buyers are well cared for is just one piece of the puzzle. Establishing a brand across new markets calls for a proactive approach. 

This is where Droppe took the reins.

“If we say we want something, Droppe makes it happen.”

Denis Mollov, Co-founder at PPS Manufacturing

Building An Ever-growing Customer Base

Laying the groundwork for sustained growth in new markets is no small feat, especially in a highly competitive industry. That is why Droppe and PPS have been working together on securing a stable and expanding customer base.

Through Droppe, prospects can request quotes for specific products based on defined specifications, and in response, Droppe suggests suitable options from a range of supplier catalogues, PPS’ included. Among the array of choices, PPS has successfully secured deals with regular and increasing orders, a testament to their competitive pricing and the high quality of their products.

On the other hand, Droppe also includes PPS’ catalogue in its promotions to enterprise buyers, a proactive approach that Denis and Dimitar have greatly appreciated.

“We’re fully satisfied,” Denis says. “I see how the team at Droppe is pushing and trying to make everything possible. I have no sense that things are not being done in the right way.”

And while the partnership between PPS Manufacturing and Droppe is still relatively young, Denis predicts a plethora of opportunities for growth in the future. For instance, he anticipates achieving stable volumes of monthly sales owing to Droppe’s proactive strategy in acquiring new buyers. On top of that, he expects a domino effect, with an increasing number of buyers inquiring about their products via Droppe as PPS’ footprint in the Nordics and the DACH region continues to grow.

So much so, that Denis attributes the expansion of PPS Manufacturing in the Nordics entirely to Droppe: “We give full credit to Droppe for developing PPS’ presence in the Nordics.” 

“We give full credit to Droppe for developing PPS’ presence in the Nordics.”

Denis Mollov, Co-founder at PPS Manufacturing


The cooperation between PPS Manufacturing and Droppe demonstrates the importance of finding dependable business partners – especially in a highly competitive market.

Droppe’s online marketplace and dynamic approach have allowed PPS to expand its customer base in the Nordics without the pressure of handling sales and end-user interactions directly.

When asked if he would ever recommend Droppe to other industrial manufacturers and suppliers, Denis says that he is in fact already doing it. 

“I’m sure Droppe has the same attitude towards all their partners. Whenever my connections ask me how to take their business further, I recommend Droppe.”

“I see how the team at Droppe is pushing and trying to make everything possible.”

Denis Mollov, Co-founder at PPS Manufacturing

Are you a wholesale buyer or procurement manager on the lookout for new compliant and eco-friendly nitrile gloves to keep your business operations running smoothly? 

Check out PPS Manufacturing’s catalogue or ask for a custom quote on PPS’ products for your wholesale purchases. 

Are you an industrial manufacturer or supplier looking to breach new markets and expand your customer base without a hitch? 

Over 100 top-tier European suppliers catering to a wide range of industries are now partnering with Droppe and selling their products in wholesale quantities across the Nordics and the DACH region. Get in touch with our partnerships team today and write your own success story with us.

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September 28, 2024