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The Power of Partnership: This is How NITRAS Expanded into the Nordics

Discover how German manufacturer NITRAS expanded into the Nordics by partnering with Droppe, yielding consistent quote requests, customer growth, and greater market insight.

NITRAS is a German manufacturer and a key supplier of personal protective equipment and workwear in Europe. With a history dating back to 1986, the company has experienced fast and steady growth, expanding from its roots in Cologne/Düsseldorf region to over 40 different countries around the globe.

Today, NITRAS’ extensive catalogue is a testament to their comprehensive approach to safety, spanning all the way from head to foot protection. The brand is also firmly rooted in its commitment to swift delivery times, stringent quality assurance, and market-responsive pricing.

At the heart of this successful operation, shaping NITRAS’ reach and influence, are dedicated professionals like Martin Hansen.

Based in Hamburg, Martin Hansen works as Regional Manager across the Nordic markets and holds a pivotal role in directing the company’s growth and operations within the Nordics. Martin’s goal is to solidify NITRAS’ reputation as a trusted name in the Nordics, and his duties involve frequent travel to provide guidance and educate NITRAS’ distributors on the diverse array of products the company offers. 

Since 2021, Martin’s efforts have borne fruit. The awareness of the brand has increased which also ensures a steady stream of purchases and a consistent influx of weekly quote requests. 

This is how he achieved this remarkable growth.

A Leap Forward in 2021: NITRAS’ Strategic Partnership 

In 2021, NITRAS was operating with a single exclusive client for their workwear and reusable gloves in Finland, closing only sporadic sales in Sweden.

It was during this phase that Droppe’s Operations Lead reached out to Martin, curious to know if NITRAS was open to joining Droppe’s network of leading industrial suppliers.

At the time, the market was experiencing an increased demand for disposable personal protective equipment, so Martin decided to test the waters with Droppe. To kickstart the new partnership, he began by listing NITRAS’ disposable gloves on Droppe’s catalogue.

Soon enough, NITRAS started to notice a consistent stream of weekly quote requests and orders from Finland and Sweden, later followed by 2-3 weekly orders from customers based in Germany. 

Martin soon realised that NITRAS’ partnership with Droppe offered something unique, unlike his previous experiences with smaller distributors. Droppe didn’t just sell NITRAS’ products but took the initiative to create demand, contributing to a constant flow of business. 

In Martin’s words: “Smaller distributors sell our products, but Droppe goes beyond by creating demand.” 

Led by the first success with selling disposable safety equipment NITRAS took the decision to speed for further growth in Finland and Sweden, expanding their catalogue to include a wider range of workwear, personal protective equipment, and industrial cleaning supplies. 

So, what initially began as a trial quickly evolved into a lasting partnership, enabling NITRAS and Droppe to expand in two markets, with their growth showing no signs of slowing down.

“Smaller distributors sell our products, but Droppe goes beyond by creating demand.”

Martin Hansen, Regional Manager

NITRAS’ Journey Towards Expansion: Achievements

Since becoming a partner with Droppe in 2021, NITRAS has experienced considerable growth and expansion. 

When asked to provide an overview of the milestones achieved through this partnership, Martin highlights several key points:

  1. The intensive support in the Finnish market and the Swedish market (which has proven to be particularly lucrative for NITRAS).
  1. Droppe’s ability to bridge the gap between NITRAS and its end users. From the onset, Droppe’s team has been proactive in finding new buying customers, forwarding all their quote requests, and handling all communications between NITRAS and potential buyers. This arrangement allows Martin to concentrate his efforts on growing NITRAS’ presence in the Nordics while focusing more effectively on his core business responsibilities.
  1. Droppe’s expertise in providing new insights and data on market demand across NITRAS’ territories. This information offers a valuable perspective on market trends, allowing Martin to stay ahead of changes and adapt his efforts effectively.
  1. Droppe’s steadfast commitment to customer satisfaction is another indispensable asset for Martin. Droppe’s focus on creating positive experiences for first-time customers not only increases the likelihood of them returning but also contributes to building a loyal customer base.
  1. Last but not least, the partnership between NITRAS and Droppe has led to numerous small victories that have accumulated into significant successes over time. One such achievement includes securing a contract with a facility in Hamburg, home to over 1,000 employees.

“Through our partnership with Droppe, we’ve experienced steady growth,” Martin says. “Droppe acts as a bridge connecting us with our end users, and we get a lot of quote requests from different markets.”

“Droppe acts as a bridge, connecting us with our end users, and we get a lot of quote requests from different markets.”

Martin Hansen, Regional Manager

All in all, Martin is quite optimistic about the future of NITRAS’ long-time partnership with Droppe. In his own words:

“I’m very positive about our future cooperation. It’s remarkable that we’ve achieved so much together and I know we will keep on growing.” 


All in all, the partnership between Droppe and NITRAS has not only enabled NITRAS to breach into the Nordics but also opened the doors to unprecedented avenues for growth and expansion.

The future indeed looks bright for this partnership, with both parties eager to expand NITRAS’ customer base across multiple markets, increase brand recognition, and ultimately, achieve shared success.

“I’m very positive about our future cooperation. It’s remarkable that we’ve achieved so much together and I know we will keep on growing together.”

Martin Hansen, Regional Manager

Are you a wholesale buyer on the lookout for new go-to supplies to keep your business operations running smoothly? 

Check out NITRAS’ product catalogue including high-quality workwear, personal protective equipment, safety gloves, and cleaning & hygiene supplies. Don’t forget to ask for a custom quote and get the best value for your inventory needs. 

Are you an industrial supplier looking to breach new markets or expand your customer base without a hitch? 

Over 100 top-tier European suppliers catering to a wide range of industries are now partnering with Droppe and selling their products in wholesale quantities across the Nordics and the DACH region. Get in touch with our team today and write your own success story with us.

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September 28, 2024