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Strategies for Optimizing Procurement Performance in 2024


In 2024, CPOs face numerous challenges in the rapidly evolving procurement field. Market fluctuations, geopolitical tensions, and talent shortages add to the complexity. As the saying goes, “smooth seas never made a skilled sailor.” This blog will explore the key trends for 2024 and provide practical tips for CPOs to navigate these changing conditions successfully.

Themes affecting procurement strategy

Primary theme: Cost reduction and inflation control in procurement

Procurement teams face inflationary pressures that necessitate smart cost control. Spend cost reduction and cost avoidance are CPO priorities.

Data analytics and market knowledge help the teams optimise spend and negotiate supplier terms.

“Small incremental improvements can have significant impacts on cost reduction,” Konekranes CPO Kimmo Kemppinen says of continuous improvement and LEAN approaches (SievoFriends event, 2024). Agile procurement helps mitigate inflationary price hikes.

Thema 2: Supply Continuity and Geopolitical Disruption Management in procurement

Global supply chains are more vulnerable to geopolitical upheavals and unanticipated catastrophes. CPOs prioritise SRM and risk monitoring for supply continuity. Organisations may anticipate and minimise risks by developing sustainable relationships and increasing supply chain visibility.

Business continuity requires agile supply chain strategies and strong contingency preparations. Data and creativity help supply networks adjust quickly.

Oerlikon CPO Jafles Pacheco says, “We in procurement tend to be very rule-driven, that is needed with compliance and legislation, but we need to be creative as well.” (2024 SievoFriends event)

Our third theme is stakeholder collaboration and business success.

Business success and strategic efforts depend on procurement. CPOs promote stakeholder cooperation to match procurement with company goals.

Connecting with business is crucial. Get clear and focused to create an effect. At SievoFriends 2024, Brendel Interim Founder & Strategic Advisor Sigrid Brendel advises focusing on what matters to them.

As strategic consultants, the teams may inform decision-making. Communication, people, and uplifting abilities are essential for corporate effect.

“In the end, this is people game,” Konekranes CPO Kimmo Kemppinen (2024 Sievofriends event).

Digital Transformation and Analytics for Talent Shortages

The digital transformation of procurement is changing how CPOs manage supply chains and procurement.

Northvolt’s VP of Supply Chain Management, Alex Streif, says, “We need to find a way to feed experience and skills to the junior workforce so they can make proper long-term decisions.” (2024 Sievofriends event)

Automation, generative AI, and sophisticated analytics can fill talent gaps and improve efficiency and decision-making. AI aid in operational procurement and everyday decision-making improves process efficiency and helps experts allocate their time and skills.

Topic 5: Decarbonising Supply Chains and Sustainable Procurement

Sustainable procurement becomes a commercial priority in 2024. Many CPOs are incorporating sustainable procurement into their operations. CSRD and Scope 3 emissions reduction are key. Data insights help CPOs make proactive decisions. Supply chain may create value and impact by working with sustainable suppliers and using circular sourcing.

“Sustainability is not a threat, it’s an opportunity to bring your supply chain ahead of the competition,” says Northvolt’s VP of Supply Chain Management Alex Streif (Sivofriends, 2024).


In conclusion, CPOs require a strong team, good data, and some innovation to succeed and overcome problems. True value delivery requires strategic vision, agility, and daily innovation.

CPOs can position their organisations for long-term success and stay ahead by promoting corporate cooperation using AI-driven insights and going the additional mile in sustainability.

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