Product description
Product Features:
- Aluminium carabiner
- 22 mm gate opening
- Screw locking mechanism
- Minimum breaking strength: 23 kN
- EN 362
- CE certified
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Standards and labels
ISO 14001:2015 is a standard that specifies requirements for an environmental management system (EMS). It includes requirements for how companies should design, implement, maintain and improve their EMS to ensure that they minimize negative impacts on the environment and comply with environmental regulations. Test results can include information on how well the EMS is functioning, how well it is being followed, and how effective it is in reducing environmental impacts. The standard also includes requirements for how the company should document and record their EMS performance and continuously improve it.
Test results
Environmental Management PassedThe standard ISO 14001:2015 pertains to environmental management systems (EMS). A passed test result under this standard indicates that an organization's EMS meets the stringent criteria set forth for managing environmental responsibilities systematically. This ensures sustainable development while considering environmental impacts. Specifically, ISO 14001:2015 includes requirements for a framework that an organization can follow rather than establishing environmental performance criteria. It encompasses various aspects such as compliance obligations, planning actions to address risks and opportunities, and continual improvement. The test primarily involves evaluating the effectiveness of the EMS in supporting a company to achieve its intended outcomes regarding its environmental performance. If a company has passed this evaluation, it reflects their commitment to environmental stewardship, potentially enhancing their marketability and aiding in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.
Test results
Service Reliability PassedEN ISO 9001:2015 is a globally recognized standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS), focusing on numerous aspects of quality management in organizations, aiming to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system. The 'Service Reliability' with a 'Passed' designation indicates that an organization has successfully demonstrated its ability to consistently provide services that meet customer and regulatory requirements while aiming for continual improvement. This assessment involves evaluating various elements of the QMS including service planning, execution, and monitoring, to ensure reliability and performance consistency. The practical implications for organizations that pass this aspect of the standard are significant; it establishes them as reliable providers in their industry, enhancing customer trust and satisfaction, and potentially leading to increased business and a competitive advantage.
EN 362:1992 is a European standard that tells manufacturers how to make connectors used for personal fall protection. It sets guidelines on how well they should perform, how they should be tested and the information that should be provided with the product. The test results will show the strength and safety of the connectors. It also states that the manufacturers should provide information about the product performance and safety instructions with the connectors.
CE Marking is a label that shows a product meets certain safety and environmental standards set by the European Union. To get the CE Marking, a company must test and certify their product meets these standards. CE Marking is required for many products sold in the EU, including electronics, machinery, toys and medical devices. It helps ensure that products are safe for consumers and the environment, and allows for easy trade within the EU.
PPE stands for "personal protective equipment." PPE Category 3 refers to equipment that is complex and provide the highest level of protection such as powered respirators, SCBA, and full body suits. In Europe, PPE Category 3 must meet certain safety standards set by the European Union, which means that it must be designed and manufactured to protect the user without causing harm. Companies that make or sell PPE must prove that it meets these standards. They also must have a quality management system in place, have to be audited regularly by a notified body and have to have a technical documentation.
SIR SAFETY SYSTEM delivery terms
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Brand minimum 350,00 €
Sir Safety System FD1612 Classique Carabiner
19,00 € / piece (VAT incl.)
15,14 €
piece VAT 0%
Sold in units of one piece
15,14 € / piece
In units of one piece
1 piece
Delivery time: 7 business days
Orders from 350,00 €
Supplier shipping fee 50,00 €
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