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Understanding Category Management in 2024


Procurement and supply chain management strategy category management (CM) optimises product categories. It strives to achieve business goals and profitability through data analysis, consumer behaviour, and supplier partnership. To succeed in today’s competitive market, organisations across industries must use effective category management. This article discusses category management’s benefits, drawbacks, and best practices.

Category management overview

Category management organises product categories as important business units rather than individual items. It includes a variety of initiatives to maximise category value while meeting organisational goals.

When it comes to selecting, pricing, and promoting products, CM is all about studying market trends, customer preferences, and competitive landscapes. By taking a bird’s-eye view of product categories, businesses may better allocate resources, mitigate risks, and grab growth opportunities.

Recently, CM has spread beyond retail to manufacturing, healthcare, and hospitality. This evolution shows its versatility and effectiveness in driving company performance in various circumstances.

Key category management elements

  1. Category Definition: A category is a group of comparable products or services that serve a consumer need. Clear category boundaries and understanding each category’s position in the product portfolio are the foundation of CM.
  2. Strategic sourcing optimises costs, quality, and delivery by proactively locating, evaluating, and selecting suppliers. Strategic sourcing in CM comprises long-term supplier relationships and favourable conditions to increase supply chain value.
  3. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM): SRM fosters supplier partnerships for mutual benefit. To promote innovation and competitive advantage, CM SRM requires transparent communication, common goals, and ongoing performance review.
  4. Category management relies on data analytics to understand customer behaviour, market trends, and product performance. Businesses may make informed decisions, optimise product assortments, and uncover growth prospects with data analytics.
  5. Performance measurement and optimisation: Continuous improvement and business goals require category performance measurement and optimisation. Category performance and optimisation are assessed using KPIs including sales, profitability, and customer happiness.

The benefits of category management

  1. Cost savings: It can optimise procurement, negotiate favourable supplier contracts, and reduce excess inventory to save money. By streamlining procedures and enhancing efficiency, organisations can cut procurement costs and boost profits.
  2. Increased supplier collaboration: It improves supplier-business communication. Businesses can improve relationships and success by engaging with suppliers to understand market trends, discover opportunities, and handle obstacles.
  3. It enables companies to adapt their products to consumer tastes and market changes. By providing the suitable items at the right time and price, companies may boost client loyalty and retention.
  4. It increases operational effectiveness and streamlines corporate processes. Using technology, standardising procedures, and bestocating resources may increase market agility and output.

Issues and concerns

  1. Data management complexity: It can be difficult when managing and analysing vast amounts of data. Multiple data sources can be challenging to obtain, organise, and evaluate for businesses. Data management and analytics initiatives are needed to overcome these issues.
  2. Integration with business processes: Complex architectures and older systems might make category management integration difficult. Category management activities must support corporate goals and integrate with finance, marketing, and operations.
  3. Organisational alignment: CM strategies require department and stakeholder alignment. Businesses may resist change or have segregated decision-making processes that hamper collaboration and category management. Collaboration and departmental communication are key for alignment and category management success.

Category management best practices

  1. Cross-functional collaboration: Encourage procurement, marketing, sales, and finance departments to work together. Businesses can use varied viewpoints and experience to create holistic category management strategies by developing cross-functional teams.
  2. Continuous improvement: Stress CM practice evaluation and optimisation. To maintain success and innovation, encourage teams to examine performance indicators, find areas for improvement, and make changes.
  3. Data analytics, procurement software, and online collaboration platforms are all technological advancements that help improve category administration. Better decisions, streamlined procedures, and more data visibility can be achieved by organisations by utilising these technologies.


Category management helps organisations compete and achieve strategic goals in a changing market. Organisations may increase growth, efficiency, and customer value by optimising product assortments, supplier partnerships, and data-driven insights. It requires best practices, cross-functional teamwork, and technology. In conclusion, it helps firms make educated decisions, optimise resources, and adapt to changing market demands, assuring success in today’s ever-changing business climate.

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